This season of the year is such a beautiful time. As all the spring foliage blooms, it's such a lovely reminder at just how alive our Mother Earth is. And this Saturday marks Earth Day and I think it's such an important time to reflect the impact that we are making on our planet. Because it is our responsibility to care and nurture for her as she cares, nurtures and provides so bountifully to us. 

I hope there is no doubt that I believe whole heartedly in supporting sustainability in all facets of life, including how to purchase for and decorate our homes. I believe in purchasing used goods and vintage items to try to lessen the cycle of mass production and that belief is a large reason why I started my shop. Because I believe investing in a vintage rug is so utterly worth it. 

And so as I built out my business, it was important to hold this value true to every facet. When I rebranded one of my challenges was creating a suite of print materials that a customer would be excited to receive, that reflected the investment they just made but also that was sourced with materials that reflected my passion for sustainability. So while this may be a dry topic, I want to share with you all how I made choices when selecting vendor partners for my print materials that align with these values. 



The Tissue Paper is made from FSC-certified*, acid-free, recycled paper and is fully home-compostable after use. Printed with soy-based ink.




The Shipping Tape is made from FSC-certified materials, and both home-compostable and curb-side recyclable after use. Printed with soy-based inks and uses non-toxic, water-activated adhesive.



The Care & Details Card + their envelope/pouch are printed on 350gsm uncoated, acid free, lignin free, PH neutral, ECF/PCF paper. FSC-certified. Plus, the paper mill is dedicated to sustainable manufacturing and more.



The Thank You Cards are printed on uncoated cardstock (sourced from sustainable sources) using soy-based ink. The manufacturer uses sustainably-minded and low-waste printing processes too and is committing to environmentally-friendly growth and practices.



The Thank You cards are printed on uncoated, acid free paper



Printed on cotton.



Embossed, ink-free and printed on uncoated paper stock.



The Hang Tags are printed on uncoated, acid free paper. With cotton string attachment.


* FSC CERTIFIED:  means that the paper it is made from is sourced from a forest and supply chain that is managed responsibly and sustainably.